Information On the Data Directory

The data in this directory is from the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District's ambient air monitoring stations and is RAW (UNVALIDATED AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE - USE WITH CAUTION) data that has not been through the Quality Assurance process. 

The files with a ".csv" extension are from the ambient air monitoring stations. The ambient air monitoring files are labeled as follows "yesterday_yyyymmdd.csv" for one hour data and "8_yesterday_yyyymmdd.csv" for eight hour ozone data. These file dates are one day later than the data contained in the files.  The data in these files is for Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide and so on. The types of data and the units are labeled in the reports and this information is updated hourly.  The files can be viewed by most browsers by clicking on the report name.  The files can also be downloaded using "save as" from your browser. You can open the files with Notepad/Wordpad or they can be imported into Excel or other spreadsheet applications.

For additional information : Contact Adam Canter at 858-586-2771 or email